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7% off for first time customers. Expires 2/23/25 @ midnight (Sunday)


Returns Policy

Damages & Returns:

All damages and returns must be filed within 30 days of the delivery date. Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive, if you notice any damage you should make note of it when signing for delivery. If your item(s) do arrived damaged, please send photos to and we will process an insurance claim on your behalf.

Returns must go through a supplier approval process. If approved for a return you will be supplied with an RA (return authorization) number and or form which must accompany the return, and you might be charged a minimum 20% restocking fee depending on the supplier, a 3-5% processing fee, and will be responsible for return shipping charges. All returns must be repacked in the original packaging and the items must be uninstalled and in working order. Unauthorized returns will be refused. Some brands require restocking fees and others don't. Each return policy is different for each supplier and we will supply you with the necessary information during the return process. 

Cancellations & Refunds:

All orders cancelled after 48 hours are subject to a 3-5% processing fee, whether or not your order has shipped. If you order has shipped, you (the buyer) will also be responsible for actual return shipping charges and a minimum 20% restocking fee depending on the supplier. Refunds will only be issued to the original credit card that you use when placing your order. If you wish to refund your order send us an email at